On September 4, 2021, we hold the sixth ClimateLaunchpad Ukraine National Final, the world’s biggest competition for green business ideas. It is an opportunity for the Ukrainian startups to tell the whole world about their climate-friendly ideas. Even if the idea is still just on a napkin, it can be heard and supported within the competition!
This year the competition brought together 56 countries from all regions of the world. Despite the pandemic challenges, 10 Ukrainian startups with promising projects on clean energy, urban solutions, adaptation, and sustainability, the circular economy participate in the national selection:
BIOC — a corn starch bioplastic
Eco City Space — eco-location with a recycling station in Kharkiv
Zebud — zero energy building without utility bills
VermiHub — aims to transform the common mindset about day to day household organic waste
H2U Valley — renewable hydrogen plant
SV-eko plus — a wind penetrating dynamic solar power plant
Slonoblock — building blocks made of sustainable materials for zero energy houses construction
Grow With You — subscription-based renting/sharing toys service
KoloTrack — loud services for organic production management
Проект Прийомка — using waste for good purposes as new ideas, start-ups, projects, or local problem-solving.