Celebrating women in Ukrainian cleantech

greencubator gathers the most successful women leaders in clean, climate-friendly, and sustainable technology projects to the online conference “Celebrating women in Ukrainian cleantech”.  

The conference aims to break stereotypes about women’s leadership in so-called “purely male” green industries.

Green innovation projects such as Climate Innovation Vouchers, ClimateLaunchpad, and other greencubator’s programs have opened many ambitious, efficient, bright founders, managers, and developers of clean, climate-friendly and sustainable technological projects. These women work in many sectors, from renewable energy to space, from sustainable mobility to high-precision metallurgy. There are many of them and there will be even more if to show more women’s leadership potential, and thus accelerate the number of women founders and leaders in companies that create climate-friendly innovations.

The conference “Celebrating women in Ukrainian cleantech” will take place on
February 5, 2021, from 10:00 to 14:00 Kyiv time as an online meeting of women leaders who are developing significantly various green industries. Among the topics of the conference are:

  • Sustainable mobility & electric transport
  • 3D printing for sustainability: from fashion to space
  • Hydrogen as our energy security future
  • Renewable energy
  • Future of food and food safety
  • Waste as treasure (waste management)
  • Environmental monitoring for business and society.

The event will be moderated by Iryna Ozymok, Local economic development program manager at WNISEF and Roman Zinchenko, greencubator cofounder.

greencubator will also announce the upcoming stages of the Climate Innovation Vouchers project, which aims to support companies working with innovations.

We invited all Innovators who move sustainable and clean technologies forward, as well as all those who are interested in climate-friendly businesses in Ukraine and the world!

Registration by the link: http://bit.ly/CleantechWomenUA. All registered will receive a link to Facebook and YouTube stream the day before the event.

The conference is organized within FINTECC project, initiated by EBRD with funding from the European Union.

In collaboration with TechUkraine and Lviv Business School.


Contact person at greencubator is Kateryna Zalievska, Head of Communications, kz@greencubator.info